Is Bipin Rawat a National Hero?

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Lot of information floating on social media and same is placed here and one can draw his own conclusions.


Does he deserve to be a National hero - when he never fought a war? Read on:


It's sad & tragic to lose Fauji Offrs & Men in accidents.. the loss is absolutely irreparable to their families.. however it cannot become a reason to make someone as India's National Hero.. a Nation needs to choose its Heroes very carefully, as they represent the character & ethos of the Nation.. they serve as an inspiration for the coming generations..
*A viscous & vigorous campaign is presently on to place Gen Bipin Rawat on the same pedestal as FM Manekshaw*.. this is not only preposterous & outrageous but smells of a deeper conspiracy to kill the very character of Indian Armed Forces, the last edifice of India's sovereignty.. would our young generation be now told to emulate Gen Rawat, who always placed his personal ambitions and interests above National & Organisational interests.. who was ever willing to stoop to any depths for his political & bureaucratic masters.. who was despised & detested by almost everyone in Indian Armed Forces.. 

He is now being portrayed as a true Soldier & Leader..but.. in reality, his career represents  the journey of Chetwoode Credo to its grave..he joined NDA as a Cadet in Jun 74.. was ralegated during training for Lack of Offr Like Qualities.. he still managed to win Sword of Honour while passing out from IMA, because his Uncle was Comdt.. managed to plot his initial Career because his Father was DCOAS..finally managed to become COAS through political machinations.. actively presided over worst ever downgradation, degradation & humiliation of Indian Armed Forces..awarded himself PVSM as COAS.. & then managed to become India's first Secy DMA & CDS.. it didn't matter to him that his new status as Secy was lower than COAS.. are we now planning to convey to our Citizens and Armed Forces personnel that these are the real qualities needed in a Soldier, in a Leader and in a Good Indian Citizen !!

List of his shameless conduct & betraying actions in endless.. just to quote a few.. he openly declared that India is not going to fight any war in future, specially with China.. immediately shelved raising of Strike Corps against China.. cut down allocation for infrastructure development against Chinese.. praised the lowest ever budgetary allocations for Defence since 1962.. he refused to pursue Pay Commission anomalies.. in fact, he praised the Pay Commission award and openly declared that there are no outstanding anomalies.. he openly allowed downgradation & degradation of Faujis in comparison with CAPF, in terms of status & Pay & allces.. since 2018, CAPF ppl have been drawing higher rates of Risk & Hardship Allce while serving in the same areas.. he declared that NFU was not needed by Fauji Offrs.. stopped tax benefits to disabled soldiers.. pushed forward proposal for reducing disability pensions.. stopped reimbursement of educational fee of wards of our martyrs.. put forward proposal for reducing Fauji pensions.. stopped rations..stopped Hotel accn on TD.. declared that all Faujis are 'chors' and that Offrs exchange 'briefcases' in Hotels.. pushed for cuts in pay allces of Faujis to buy wpns & eqpt.. disowned Veteran Soldiers.. made the Veterans health case scheme ECHS almost defunct by depriving it of fin sp .. extended CSD facilities to even Def Civ retirees and their dependents & then starved the Fauji CSDs of funds, with payments against purchases getting deposited into Consolidated Fund of India.. allowed JCOs to be equated with Civ non Gazetted, Capts with Civ Gp B Offrs and Brigs with Civ PB3 Offrs.. allowed Civ Gp B employees to displace Fauji Offrs in their own Service HQ.. allowed mindless litigation against Faujis & Veterans.. made Appellate Justice for Faujis almost defunct by allowing dilution of AFT Act.. unconditionally opened all roads in Cantts for encroachment by vested interests.. allowed role of LMAs to be rendered irrelevant in transfer of Defence land.. gave orders for closing down of golfing facilities.. increasingly employed Fauji resources for electoral optics.. shielded corrupt, encouraged sycophancy and directly/ indirectly punished all those who actually stood for the organisation..

Does this nation need to glorify such men as National Heroes, who denigrated hisownArmed forces for patty personal gains?
What legacy, will future Generations of soldiers have to look back upon? A chief who called out his own as *bootleggers. Profiteers, black marketers*, who made Rs. 2 on selling CSD biscuits?

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