Humour in uniform....: The General's Buffalo....

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When a जरनैल साब (from Haryana) took over Command of a Division, a pair🐃🐃 of buffalos also moved in & were accommodated in the backyard of Flag-Staff House.
One fine morning , one of the buffalos sneaked past the VIP Bungalow & barged-in to the premises of a nearby  Sikh Paltan/unit. 

Before anyone could notice, the buffalo had ravaged the unit's kitchen garden.  

Sepoy  Jarnail Singh (who tended the kitchen garden) when returned after tea break , was enraged at the sight of a buffalo eating the garden he tended so carefully.  He quietly caught the bovine, gave her some thrashing  & deposited her in the Cantonment's Cattle pound.

After a lot of halla gulla  in Flag Staff House staff, by evening  the buffalo was traced & brought back to her VIP abode. 

Discreet inquiry revealed that some one from Sikh Paltan had deposited the animal in the pool,  hence Battalion Commander was informed.

Sepoy Jarnail singh confessed his to his deed and was marched up to the CO.

When CO confronted him in chaste Punjabi  " ओये तैनू पता नई सी, ओ जरनल साब दी 🐃 मझ🐃(buffalo) सी !

Jarnail Singh's innocent reply was :-

*साब जी,मंझ दे अग्गे कोई ✡ स्टार प्लेट ते लग्गी नहीं होई सी जो मैनू पता चलदा की जरनैल साब दी है जी...* 
Reply reached the General & amused him so much that he desired to see him.

Only after lot of coaxing Jarnail Singh repeated that sentence  the General, " *साब जी,मंझ दे अग्गे कोई ✡ स्टार प्लेट ते लग्गी नहीं होई सी जो मैनू पता चलदा की तुहाडी है जी..."* 

…and in turn, came back loaded with 4 bottles of rum.😅😂🤣

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