It's all destiny and xxx Rum

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I had gone to Infantry School, Mhow in Jan 1968 to attend CDO-28 Course. I found the course arduous, as I had gone to attend the course from high altitude in Kiari, Ladakh and was short of breath. Anyhow, I just managed to qualify and was glad to go home to Hyderabad on 15 days' casual leave to rest and recoup before joining my Unit 1 Garh Rifles, with 70 Infantry Brigade, near Chumatang Phu. I was carrying my rifle with me. 

On my way back to rejoin my Unit, I reported to 246 Transit Camp in Chandigarh. I kept my Rifle in my room and went to the Officers' Mess to booze. In utter relief from the buggery of the CDO course, I had a right Royal booze up. The following morning, I got up late, due to a splitting hangover. I dressed in a hurry and reported to the IAF Airport at 0530 hrs for a dawn takeoff by an AN-12 aircraft to Leh. I checked-in at the nick of time and boarded the flight to remember in horror, that I had left my rifle in my room at the Transit Camp.

I disembarked and went to the Transit Camp to collect my rifle. By the time I reported to the airport again with my rifle, the courier flight had already taken off without me. I returned to the Transit Camp to catch a courier flight the next day.

It was then that I learnt, that the flight I had missed, did NOT land anywhere and was reported missing and presumed to have crashed in Pangong Lake with all crew and passengers aboard!!

Alas, in 1968 there was no AOB Fund and the next of kin of these soldiers did not get a single  Rupee in relief. 

Now, here I am, an 80 years old veteran of the Garhwal Rifles, saved by an overdose of XXX Hercules Rum!!

*God cares and looks after the lives of  drunken soldiers without guile or malice towards anyone* 👍.


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