Update on Orop and Tour of Duty

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Brig xyz , my course mate writes that he had a long discussion on many issues like new recruitment policy and OROP with the previous COAS , Gen Narvane who happened to be from his battalion, and says that Narvane had given his recommendation to the RM against destroying of Regimentation and the present class composition of especially Infantry units. It was overruled. Service Chiefs are not members of the Cabinet Committee on Security, they are only invitees as per the discretion of the PM. Today defacto, CDS, service Chiefs, RM are all rolled into one man the NSA. This decision was taken by CCS almost one month back . Now  you all can also deduce why Gen Manoj Narvane was not made the CDS. 
It is a larger plan of the ultimate political decision making body in the country to destroy the armed forces and probably to create a politically subservient organization like a the state police organizations. 
So the decisions are taken with a larger agenda.
If saving the pension then there are much better and economical options available. Why the government cannot do the lateral induction of AF personal to other Police and Para military organizations and Railways on completion of 6, 10 and 15 years service in the AF and then they serve till 60 years in those organizations . This will save the cost of training, 10-12 lakhs paid as lumpsum compensation after 4 years and adress the final pension liability and pay out. May be all these organizations can be brought under the new pension plan and after the gestation period government liability on pension can be reduced to " 0". 
This will also reduce the defence pension liabilities for the current retirees to just 20-25 % of current budget. So if intension is only saving pension expenses, but not under the expense of National Security, these options could have been examined. So it is very clear that the aim of the exercise is different. 
A point to ponder by every Indian who is concerned about the rising threat of belligerent and expansionist China, unfriendly Pakistan with all the support of OIC , IS and Taliban in the neighborhood and deteriorating international bodies like UN. 
The world order is changing and definitely India need to have say in the global strategic standing. To achieve this India needs to have strategic capabilities with strong and powerful military strength. Instead of building it up , if the rulers themselves are destroying it, God only can save India. JAI HIND.

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