Cdr Handicap

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My Commander's Handicap

1. From 2003 to 2006, I happened to be BM of an AD Bde which is colocated with a Corps HQ. 
2. Got a call from a Staff Officer asking me,"What is your Cdr's handicap???"
3. In spite of being quite sure of the medical category of my Cdr, I rechecked from PA to Cdr about the Cdr being SHAPE 1,on intercom.
4. I apologized to the worthy SO and informed that my Cdr is SHAPE 1 and has NO handicap. He was quite surprised at my answer and rechecked if I was actually the BM of the Bde.
5. Later I informed the Cdr about the query from the higher HQ and my reply.
6. The Cdr,a man of few words indeed, did not say anything.
7. There is yet another query about Cdr's 4 Ball which I would narrate later.

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