Is it a case of White Supremacy?

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Aussies Beat India to Enter the Finals. Or did they???

Another case of white supremacy! Another case of playing with the sentiments of Indian players. Killing the morale of players at such a crucial moment.

Indian women's team became the first team to score a goal against Australia in CWG 2022. The defiant Indian team came up from behind to level the score in the last quarter. When the final whistle blew, match was leveled 1-1. 

 Both teams got 5 penalty strokes each. Aussie's first stroke, our goalie saved the goal 😊 Just when India was about to take their stroke, the Australian stroke got disqualified / invalid as the UMPIRE FORGOT to switch the timer on. Any they got the first strike AGAIN.

Really?? India to pay for the umpire's mistake?? Unbelievable! Such high level of injustice and we couldn't even protest. Imagine the setback that the Indian players faced at that crucial time!

The sunken morale was very evident on each of our players' faces and the evident result after that. 

This is shameful! I can't call it anything other than white supremacy or the Australian EGO which was getting hurt! 

Please do circulate it enough for it to reach the Australian team and they know that they didn't win, they were MADE to win.

Their victory didn't come to them because they were better, it came because they were WHITER. 

Proud of our women's hockey team! Proud of how far they have come and despite their loss - they are still the winners🏆!!

A Proud Indian!

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