Is Azim Premji & the Wire behind Adani Fiasco?

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Industrialist Azim Premji, the owner of Wipro Company, has come under the radar of Indian investigative agencies. Modi has taken the conspiracy against Adani very seriously.

Azim Premji's companies and the educational institutes he runs are on the radar of Indian intelligence and the Central Bureau of Investigation.

Industrialist Azim Premji masterminds the conspiracy against Adani.

An article about this conspiracy has been published in the organizer. Behind Hindenburg there is a journalist wife of a communist leader, an NGO, the National Foundation for India, a leftist website. All these are funded by Azim Premji's NGO, IPSMF.

Against Adani, Bob Brown Foundation (BBF), an NGO in Australia, runs a website called Adaniwatch(dot)org. This website, which aims to damage the brand image of Adani, is also financed by Azim Premji's NGO, Soros, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller, Omidyar, Bill Gates.

The conspiracy against Adani is clear
It is similar to the conspiracy by anti-India businessman George Soros to undermine the credibility of the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand. 'Hindenburg' is just a pawn. The real mastermind is Azim Premji and the leftist gangs working for him.

Seema Chishti, the editor of The Wire, who is the wife of Communist leader Sitaram Yechury, is actively involved in the conspiracy against Adani.
"The Wire" has a contract with National Foundation for India, an anti-Indian NGO. Seema Chishti is a media fellowship advisor for that NGO.

The Wire has an exclusive contract with the National Foundation for India (NFI), an anti-India NGO funded by Soros, Ford, Bill Gates, Azim Premji, Omidyar and Rockefeller funded. The Wire also wrote articles in 2017 against Adani's project in Australia.

Adani is just an excuse, Azim Premji's target is Modi. So he is giving huge amount of money to all anti-Modi websites like Altnews, The Wire, The Caravan, The News Minute.

Whether it is Azim Premji, who is jealous of the progress of the Indian economy, or foreign businessman Soares, Ambani, Mittal, Jindal are also Indian business groups on the target of this gang.
The main objective of this gang is to defeat Modi in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

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