SPARSH: Resolution of Demographic Validation

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1. Ref detailed advisory issue on the sub vide letter No12681/Gen/T-1/MP 5(B) dt 16 Mar 2023.

2. Numerous veterans post migration to SPARSH are facing demographic validation failure owing to mismatch in name in PPO & Aadhaar.

3. To mitigate the problem, issue was discussed with SPARSH auths incl TCS & a mechanism has been evolved wherein Aadhar verification will be done by Offrs Records Office (ORO)/respective Records.

4. Veterans are requested to upload their Aadhaar on SPARSH portal by following u/m process  for rectification of Demographic Validation error.

SPARSH portal will not allow pensioners to update/upload post login , pensioner has to log out and  select SERVICES➡️UPDATE AADHAR➡️Enter PPO No and Enter Legacy PPO No➡️ Verify and process➡️Aadhar Demographic Validation Failed msg appears➡️ Close ➡️ Enter Aadhar No and Choose the pdf or jpg or png file to upload➡️Enter mob No➡️ Send OTP and Validate OTP➡️ "Aadhar No updated successfully with token No xxxxxx for reference appears on  screen➡️ok.

5. After 24 to 48 hr, data correction request of the pensioner regarding Aadhar will be pushed into Dashboard of 'Service Initiator' followed by Service Verifier (ORO/ Records) for vetting & approval.  Aadhar will then be saved in SPARSH Database &  pensioner will get confirmation on his dash board, (Track Request module). The whole process normally takes 5 to 7 working days. 

6. For info of all veterans pl. Request wide publicity be given.


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