Veerangana* *Sewa* *Kendra* ” *(VSK)

By -
सभी *के लिए एक विशेष  सूचना* 

 *DIAV* (Directorate of Indian Army Veterans) ,  Delhi Cantt , 

They have a team of highly dedicated officers under the Stewardship of *Brig* *Vikas* *Bharadwaj* , a very positive officer.

They have created a " *Veerangana* *Sewa* *Kendra* " *(VSK)* manned by  Lady *Wife* of an Officer (Widow)

The Kendra has a *call* *centre* with *six* (06) Widows of PCs (To provide immediate connect and empathy with the target population who are widows and NoK) , Two JCO/NCOs and an IT supervisor to take calls of ESM.

They receive the grievances from ESM& Widows and log into an application developed exclusively for resolving the grievances and raise a *Ticket* . The details of Ticket are shared on e mail& mobile number of the *complainant* .

The grievance is then forwarded to the concerned Record Office/ECHS/CSD/PCDA.

The progress is monitored by a Very Senior Retired Officer Col SS Mundalia. (Once again a very positive officer serving in DIAV for over 8 years 

The feedback is provided to the applicant by phone/SMS/E mail within 48 h
 *Telephone ☎️  No* 

 *Brig Vikas Bharadwaj* :  +91 94188 48827

The contact numbers of *VSK* : 

a) Family Pensioners(Widow/NOK) : 011 25664100, Whatsapp: 9910964067, e mail: diav.vsk@nic(dot)in

b) Service Pensioners(ESM) : 011 25664200, whatsapp: 9910610866, e mail: veterancell-army@nic(dot)in

Timings of *VSK* :  0930-1700h all working days

Note: Calls during off hrs are logged and returned within the next three working days. No calls are left out.
 *सब इसका पूरा लाभ उठाए* 

 *जो भी काम नहीं हो रहा इनको शिकायत करें.  एक Brigadier साहब  आपके लिए तैनात किए गए है *

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