How to see data intelligently using a free tool?

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This is based on Power BI which can be downloaded on a windows machine for free. You can also learn to make a dashboard, will need a lot of effort, I have been in analytics field for 8+ years so I could build it out - believe in being hands on. It has taken me about 96 hours of work(2 weeks full time) to get it to this level.

This is how I monitor my investments. Have created a Power BI dashboard to integrate data from multiple platforms to get me a good view of what is happening with my investments. This page is for MF, but there are separate pages for Equity, PF and overall summary etc. 
It takes me 30 min of work every month to update this dashboard. 
Eg. The chart at the bottom shows me MF current value and color shows me if XIRR is >12%(dark green), 8-12% light green and <8% orange.
The donut charts show me current investment values by channel and MF type and so on.

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