The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf - Coursemate Spirit

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When this catastrophe struck we all were shocked at the loss ...and the only solace was the resilience of the course.

We pulled all stops just to be there in that moment of grief with the family flying in from all across the country changing modes of travels several times...

Some represented themselves, some reperesented by Ladies and some both...hatts off.

Those who couldnt make it, they opened their hearts and resources at their disposal... Guestroom s, vehicles , pick up and drop and some even going to an extent of getting the reservations confirmed for the ones travelling at short notice on wait listed tickets .

It does reminds me of "The Jungle Book" where they say,

*The strength of wolf is the pack, and strength of the pack is the wolf.*

Champions and Tigers , thanks a ton for making this *Terrific* a pack...

 Invinsible and resilient always by God's Grace.

My thoughts as we bid adiue to our beloved *Col Manpreet Singh, SM*

Maut ka bhi swyaamvar hota hai & somehow she always picks the best one up.

*Revenge* we will take for sure, be rest assured, sooner or later... "Karara jawab milega"

But the moot point is, why it is only our battle and not yours...

Why its business as usual for the rest, be it singing songs, hosting dinners, playing matches at so called neutral venues and it goes on and on and on...

Why only we(the forces) are the part of the pack and why not we all (the nation).

I leave you with this food for thought...and while you ponder... Remember...

The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf. 

Soldiers never die, they become legends and live on...  so shall you buddy, in our hearts and stories till we meet again in the heaveb

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