Goa has two airports - check story

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This person Is Based in Candolim ...North Goa ...So his Taxi has to come 40 kms South to Dabolim or 40 kms North to MOPA Airport to Pick you Up ...

While Booking Air Tickets to Goa check Which Airport ..
we have had an entire team of 12 members land in MOPA Goa  whereas their arrival Said Dabolim Goa ...

Reception Party with Bus and Car were finally waiting 70 kms Down South .. in Dabolim ..

These guys Landed in  MOPA 70 kms away .. 

So please Remember Goa Has 2 Airports ...70 kms apart ..

Dabolim ...South

MOPA ...North ...

Please check Your Accomodation and then hire Cab From there ..locally ...Works out more economical

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