Indian Armed Forces - Ethos and Rich Heritage Story

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Indian Armed Forces - Ethos and Rich Heritage.

Capt David Muthhumani was the RMO (Regimental Medical Officer - Doctor) with 10 SIKH LI during Battle of Naya Chor in Pak Sindh desert. He was awarded Sena Medal for evacuating and treating the Unit Battle Casualties right under intence fire.Next day he was shifted to ADS, where not caring for his personal safety from regular daily bombing and strafing by PAF Mirage Fighters, tended the injured without a wink for 72 hours.It was strange that while doing so, when he had not slept for days, was checked and lambasted by the Brigade Commander for 'Not shaving and bad turn out' . The Soldier that he was did not reply and continued his effort to save the lives of critically injured. The Commander had no option but left the ADS fuming. David, the straightforward soldier that he was, was moved to the different neighbouring Brigade ADS. While he was there after Ceasefire (CF) and since our troops were still located in thier Post CF locations, he was surprised to get a call from the CO 10 SIKH LI to join him for Lunch in his Officer's Mess. His eyes were watery, having witnessed and receiving strange gifts from the Sikh troops. Later he was posted to my Bn 2 Grenadiers at Sriganganagar. An outstanding Basketball player that he was and a diehard Soldier, he had virtually made up his mind to cionvert from AMC to Infantry (Grenadiers) 

The details are under in his own words:-

The best gift I received in my life..

At the end of the war I was made in charge of the ADS attached to the 31 Brigade. On 24th December I got a call from Col. Basant Singh CO 10 Sikh Li to join him for lunch on Christmas day. 
After the war, water and rations had to be brought by road from Barmer till the Army restored the Munabao Kokrapar railway line. Water was rationed to 5 litres per person for meeting all their needs, both drinking and washing. None of us had a bath until the rail line was restored by the end of December or early January. 
I drove to the Unit on Christmas day and reached it by 11 am. I found the whole unit lined up to welcome me. Col. Basant Singh graciously welcomed me and led me to a canvas bucket full of hot water. The CO told me that the men had sacrificed one glass of water from their 5 litres ration so that their "Isai" (Christian) doctor can have a bath on Christmas Day. My eyes were filled with tears of gratitude as I completed my bath with the whole unit cheering. The rest of the day is a haze in my memory.

This is our Armed forces - great ethos even at time of adversary. Christian Tambi with Khalsa troops. No words for our Armed Forces. 🇮🇳🎄💚

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