Pussy - Humour

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Pussy is a term used as a noun, an adjective, and—in rare instances—a verb in the English language. It has several meanings, as slang, as euphemism, and as vulgarity. Most commonly, it is used as a noun with the meaning "cat", "coward", or "weakling". In slang usage, it can mean "vulva or vagina" and less commonly, as a form of synecdoche, meaning "sexual intercourse with a woman". Because of its multiple senses including both innocent and vulgar connotations, pussy is often the subject of double entendre. As i remember as a Biology student in College, the Vulva scientifically is d global term that describes all d Anatomical structures that make d 'Pussy'. The components of d Vulva w/o which ur Pussy is incomplete r d Mons Pubis, Labia Majora or d external lips, d Labia Minora ie d inner lips, Clitoris d most sensitive part with large No. of nerve endings also referred to as d female penis, Vestibular bulbs, Vulva vestibule,Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands,Urethra & d Vaginal opening - all bonding 2gether to form ur euphemism 'The Pussy '. The earliest records of d word Pussy r in d 19th century meaning Fluppy not to forget mentioning that one of my Boss refers to as 'Papita', fair enough. 😉 
I also remember of d incident wherein I visited d house of a Senior offr in Secunderabad who had a beautiful Persian Cat as a pet. The moment ma'am opened d door, naive that I was blurted out ' Ma'am How's ur beautiful Pussy' realizing my folly when she laughed aloud & called out her Persian Pussy & said 'She's doing good'..I guess she knew me & my innocence which saved me fm her retort to potential humiliation..🙏
So much for d innocent Pussy🤩🥴😂

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