RD Parade Review

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The RD Parade passes in front on my office at Tilak Marg.

The Sapper Contingent was indeed very good.

However I noticed few points in r/o all contingents.

1. Poor stamina. They were shifting Rifles from Rt to left hand and vice versa very frequently. BTW the length of the route is 7 km.

2. Poor dressing especially in the last 2-3 files.

3. Poor military discipline especially among the ranks as they were looking around and talking whereas all contingent commanders were good and had excellent bearing.

4. Plan B was activated in many Contingents due to  drop outs, dropping of accoutrements. The supporting staff accompanying the contingents were having a field day.

5. A word of appreciation about parade cdr. He was ram rod straight even when without VIP onlookers and very thoughtfully ack salute from a HI who was dply enroute.

6. many band contingents were better than marching ones.

7. Lastly one good thing is having predominant presence of women. This will be a wake up call Women Offrs who have a shirking attitude.

8. Last but not the least a word of praise about Delhi Police. They were in position since 3 am and they were extremely polite in managing crowd.

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