Is an Army officer like a Lady? Hilarious

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I am an infantry officer who got married to a girl from a total non fauji  family background.

On joining the unit after marriage, she observed my  routine. 

My getting up early in the morning,  leave  at 5.45 AM to join PT  in white shirt, white half pant, white socks and white PT Shoes. 

Return by  7. 

Quick bath change to OG Uniform with well  polished brass ranks on shoulder flaps, well polished and shining brass of the belt, black shining shoes. 

A quick breakfast and 45 minutes later, there I go to the unit take lectures of men during the training. 

Complete office work, return home around 2.30 or so. 

Change for a short while in pyjama and kurta after Lunch. 

Get up at 3.45, change to sports dress join sports in the unit. 

Return around 6 or so change to mess dress. Wear black Oxford pattern shoes and Mess dress for a dinner night.

 More or less such was routine. In mess parties wife accompanied me.

One day my sister-in-law rang my wife up and probably asked my wife as to  what sort of work or job Jija jee does in the office. 

To which my wife said (I was overhearing), " *I do not know what all he does in the office but like ladies he keeps changing the clothes/ dresses throughout the day*


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