Shahpur Kandi Dam completed after 55 years and Strategic Implications

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Congratulations to the people of Punjab and Jammu
Shahpur Kandi Dam completed after 55 years... Thanks to Narendra Modi and for getting their water which Congress diverted to Pakistan🙏
*How dirty politics of Congress and pro-Pakistani Kashmiri lords (Abdullah & Mufti) always compromised the national interest of BHARAT❓*
The Indus river water system of rivers comprises of *2 Western rivers - Jhelum & Chenab* and *3 eastern rivers - Sutlej,  Beas & Ravi.*
Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan on 1 April 1960, under the monitoring of the World Bank. 

As per this treaty...
*Eastern rivers were allocated for exclusive use by India* before they enter Pakistan. 
*Western rivers were allocated for exclusive use by Pak.*
However, a transition period of 10 years was permitted in which India was bound to supply water to Pakistan from these rivers until Pakistan was able to build the canal system for Jhelum, Chenab & Indus. 
Pakistan also received one-time financial compensation for the loss of water from the eastern rivers. 

*The 10-year moratorium completed on 31 March 1970, and India secured full rights for use of the waters of the 3 western rivers allocated to it. But Congress govt did not do anything for next 25 years.*

The Shahpur Kandi Dam Project, bordering Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir was planned more than 30 years ago and Prime Minister PV Narsimha Rao laid foundation stone of the Project in 1995.

*There were immense benefits of the project for Punjab and J&K...* 
-To use Ravi water, which was otherwise flowing towards Pakistan.
-It will provide 1150 cusecs water to J&K and over 5000 cusecs to Punjab state.
-More than 32,000 hectare land in Kathua and Samba districts of Jammu will be irrigated.
-206 MW of electricity will be generated and Punjab would be the major beneficiary of the power generated from this project.
-The Dam will become a major tourist attraction.

But this prestigious project faced many hurdles from very beginning due to Disputes or Dirty politics. 
 *The Governments in J&K (Congress, Abdullah or Mufti) were always from Kashmir Valley and pro-Pakistan.* They never wanted benefits or development of Samba and Kathua districts of Jammu region.
The work remained suspended on the project for nearly 2 decades and finally the work began again in 2014. But it was suspended again, after Mehbooba Mufti demanded Rs.600 crore compensation from Punjab.

 *After imposition of President Rule in J&K* and intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the work finally resumed in 2018.
*Modi declared it as a "National Project" leading to its expeditious completion, after delay of 30 years...* 
-Barrage work is completed.
-Pondage at Shahpur has started. 
-Water from Ranjeet Sagar Dam is being released systematically.
-Reservoir height at Shapur Kandi dam will be attained within 90 days.
-Project cost was revised several times from Rs.2,793 crores to Rs.3,300 crores.
-Flow of Ravi water to Pakistan has been fully stopped.

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