Dedicating this Holi to all our warrior ancestors who attained Sadgati for Dharma and motherland

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During Holi in 1757 (for two days), Mathura and Vrindavan witnessed gen0cide of Hindus at the hands of Ahmad Shah Abdali and his forces. Victims were thousands of locals and pilgrims who have assembled there to celebrate Holi. They did not even spare children and women. It was 28 February 1757. Jat prince Jawahar Singh with 5000 men had offered resistance against Abdali's forces outside the village of Mathura, but in vain. The battle took place for 9 hours. 3000 of Jawahar Singh's soldiers attained Veergati.

Abdali's forces then marched towards Gokul. The Naga Sadhus there defended the temples and the people. In the fierce battle that followed against Abdali's forces, Naga Sadhus emerged victorious. 2000 plus Naga Sadhus attained Veergati.

Dedicating this Holi to all our warrior ancestors who attained Sadgati for Dharma and motherland and victims of genocide during those two days.

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