Effect NFU Grant to Army

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Effect of NFU, due SC judgement, on Retired Armed Forces Officers (As per Maj Mukul Dev)...OROP – 2013. The pay of all serving officers has to be re-fixed w.e.f. Jan
2006 in NFU. NFU also enhances pensions of Post – 2006 retired officers. 

Some of
serving officers would have retired in calendar year 2013 and sanctioned pension in
the rank held by them at the time of their retirement. But NFU gives them pay
promotion. If they belong to 1992 batch then they are entitled for NFU from 08 Jun
2013 i.e. pay /pension of Maj Gen for their length of service. Their pay goes up hence their pension also goes up in 2013. OROP – 2013
and Circular 555 was based on the concept that pension of all past retirees
irrespective of date of retirement is same as Average Pension of all retired in
calendar year 2013 in the same rank and same qualifying service of past retirees.
Therefore, I strongly feel, all Pre – 2006 retirees also may get benefit of NFU and
their pension also may be re-fixed in OROP - 2013. If their pension goes up because
of NFU, then arrears of OROP from Jul 2014 to Mar 2016 also should be paid over
and above what has been paid already from Mar 2016 to Sep 2017. (AFT Delhi in
their judgment stated that arrears should be paid only for three years from 23 Dec
2013 to 23 Dec 2016). Therefore Pre – 2006 retired officers also may get arrears of
pension for three years only. Even if not paid due to some weird interpretation of
NFU to Armed Forces, then OROP – 2018 will ensure all Pre – 2006 pensioners will
get pension of Maj Gens and Lt Gens.

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