Goal Kar Harami

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Another one from Sikh Li humour archives 🤩

😃"Goal Kar Harami"🤑

A story from a Camp Comdt at a Bde HQ in Kota where the ERE was from SIKH LI:
If l were to rate them by the yardstick of military discipline, we had the most erratic of men in the camp, sent out by the COs to rid themselves of trouble. There were fist fights every evening but they were never reported officially,  the fighters resolved them among themselves.

This incident happened when 
Inter Bn Hockey tournament was in progress. It was a league match and an Assam Bn Hockey team was playing the camp team which had a centre forward and a half back who had once played services and had been sent on ERE on disciplinary grounds. The centre forward, Harnek Singh, was indeed great with the stick.
But as the luck would have it, the Assam Bn team, led by a young, "good looking" Captain, played some sterling hockey and was leading 2-0 at half time. 
In the match viewing crowd sat the three COs, all officers of the Bde and the Bde Cdr, a sports enthusiast. As the referee blew the half time whistle and the teams went into a recess, the Bde Cdr gave me a dirty look.
So l went to my team together with the Camp Sr JCO and gave all of them a piece of my mind, "Ullu de pathiyo, (I am being cultured with the lexicon here since the group has revered readers) If you guys lose to the Assamese today, you will be off daaroo and kookkarh for three months....."

The match recommenced and the Camp team continued to trail. Now only 10 minutes were left and the Assamese were fiercely defending their lead.
Suddenly the Camp Sr JCO rises from the audience and shouts, caring not a hoot that among the viewers sat the Bde Cdr, three COs and the ladies, 
*"Mai yaviya Harnekiya, Captain Saab diyaan jangha deKhnaa chhadd, teh goal  karr haraami....*.(Idiot Harnek Singh, stop ogling the Captain's legs and score a goal.)

As a stunned silence dawned on the viewers' gallery, We won 3-2 in the remaining nine minutes.😅😄

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