If you compare your problems with others, chances are that you will stick with yours

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So, there's this guy, Pete, who got into troubles with the local gang. So, the gang members took him and brought him to a 7 feet, 300lbs giant named Ted.

They told Ted: "To this guy, you will fuck him in the ass so he'll learn not to fuck with us."

Ted replied: "Alright, leave it to me."

The poor Pete asked for mercy: "Please Mr. Ted, don't fuck me in the ass."

Ted replied: "Shut up or I'll break your jaw."

The gang members brought another guy and told Ted: "To this guy, cut his hands off so he won't steal from us again."

Ted replied: "Alright, leave it to me."

Then, they brought another guy and told Ted: "To this one, cut his testicles off so he won't sleep with our women again."

Ted replied: "Alright, leave it to me."

Finally, they brought a last guy and told Ted: "To this one, cut him in pieces and send it to his relatives."

After the gang members left, Pete said to Ted: "Don't forget Ted so there isn't any confusion, I'm the one you have to fuck in the ass."

Moral: If you compare your problems with others, chances are that you will stick with yours.

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