Navy initiative for veterans

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The Navy Foundation AGM was held at Goa. Two out of three sessions were 'online' and open for Veterans to attend.

In the opening session, PCDA(N) / CGDA made a presentation on SPARSH. It was intimated that Pre-2016 Veterans will be migrated only after the post-2016 pension distribution settles down. It was also intimated that it will be after concurrence of the individuals as directed by Hon RM.

In the concluding session, CNS address was very assuring both for the Serving as well as Veterans. He quoted that in Navy Veterans are permanent, whereas the Serving Personnel are transient. (He attributes this statement to Admiral Cheema and had mentioned this in the Veterans lunch at New Delhi)

The following major issues were mentioned (pertaining to Serving Personnel).
(a) Lady Officers entry will be open to all branches.
(b) Ladies will be inducted in all Ranks.
(c) Sharing of accommodation will be banned.
(d) Henceforth, NAC will not be required for claiming HRA.
(e) Outdated Regulations will be repealed progressively. 

The following was highlighted for Veterans.
(a) A webpage *handshake* was launched. This will be an interface between Navy and Veterans. The site will be progressively populated. Once fully functional, veterans can interact with different Authorities / Organization through handshake.
(b) ROIC (Retired Officers I Card with photos in Uniform as well as Civil Clothes) is Tri Services decision. The Card will be made at NHQ / Command HQs and will be ready very short time after submission of Form / documents.

(c) Veterans Card issued by Zila Sainik Boards is a *must*. It has been reported that a very large veterans have not made this card. It was emphasized that that is the official Card for Veterans / Dependents and all Ex-Servicemen counting is based on these figures. It was requested that *All Veterans* should get this at an early date.

(d) All retired Officers change of permanent address process has been simplified at NHQ.

(e) Veterans request for renewal of Canteen Cards / ECHS Cards on the line of Expired Bank Debit Cards was not agreed to. However, it was intimated that Canteen Cards renewal application may be submitted six months in advance.

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