Is Burnout a Disease?

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According to the foremost expert on burnout, Christina Maslach, social psychologist and professor emerita of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, we are attacking the problem from the wrong angle. She is one of three people responsible for the gold standard of measuring burnout — the eponymous Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) — and the coauthor of the Areas of Worklife Survey.  Maslach worries about the new WHO classification in the IDC11. "Categorizing burnout as a disease was an attempt by the WHO to provide definitions for what is wrong with people, instead of what is wrong with companies," she explains.  "When we just look at the person, what that means is, 'Hey we've got to treat that person.' 'You can't work here because you're the problem.' 'We have to get rid of that person.' Then, it becomes that person's problem, not the responsibility of the organization that employs them."

Super , must read for leaders .

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