Story of Grey Mule in Army

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Animal transport was an integral part of the Sapper warfare. The story of the 'Grey Mule', reverred as the most travelled mule , in the world, enjoys  legendary status in the lore of the Madras Sappers. The Grey Mule joined the Madras Sappers in 1891 and served for 31 years, during which it took part in expeditions to Chitral, Tirah, Malakand and Tibet among others. Having had served in Egypt and Palestine during World War I, the old mule was about to be sold off along with thousands of other mules to Egyptians in 1921, when the Expeditionary Force was due to return to India. But Colonel Basset, who was commanding  10 Field Company interceded and obtained a special permission from the Force Commander, Sir Philip Chetwode, to take it back home. On arrival at Bangalore it was pensioned off and given the complete freedom of the lines. Fed and cared for by whichever unit was stationed there, this honoured war veteran lived a quiet life for more than a decade, wandering at will but never leaving the neighbourhood 

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