Superceded officers must read

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Supersession hurt only if one is aspiring for ranks higher than what one knows he is capable of...Secondly supersession is confirmed entity...when Gen like Praveen Bakshi can be overlooked in favour of Bira then one should leave many a things to destiny and enjoy life...People who become atamnirbhar enjoy Army the maximum...lot of leave, lots of free time, study leave, time for children, family life...supersession really compensates you extremely well...why hanker after the material symbols, if they are available then it is nice, if not then enjoy golf, make use of superb station facilities...make civilian movies, plays local events, develop a good hobby...This article is good but it mistakes that all superceded officers suffer from low self esteem...Self Esteem is a function of your approach to life...recalibrate, reinvent and be relevant in a different sphere.

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