Army officers : Updated list of Acronyms

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Updated list of Acronyms

*PONI* - Posted Out Not Interested

*SONI* - Sorted Out Not Interested
*TONI* - TD Officer Not Interested 

*DHONI* - Dhula Hua Officer Not Interested 

*DHOBI* - Dhula Hua Officer But Interested 

*RANI* - Release Applied / Approved Not Interested 

*PRANI* - Premature Release Applied Not Interested 

*PRANI+* - Premature Release Approved Not Interested 

*CONI*  - COngenitally Not Interested 

*PIONI* - Posted In Officer Not Interested 

*JANI* - Jab se Aaya Not Interested 

*HONI* - Handing Over chalu - Not Interested 

PANTI- Posting anticipated not interested..


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