Assault on Article 25 of the Constitution for 33 long years in Gyanvapi

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Eye opening: Clause 127 of the verdict issued by the Allahabad HC while denying relief to the Muslim side says, "worship and rituals, which continued to be performed in the cellar by Vyas family till 1993, were stopped by illegal action of State without there being any order in writing."

This is a stinging indictment of the then Mulayam Singh Yadav government.

It proves that the state then weaponised its executive powers to discriminate against Hindus.

As a consequence of this illegal order, Hindus were barred for 33 years from performing their religious duties at the Gyanvapi mosque, that too under a so-called secular party.

Why didn't the rights ecosystem, that protests at the smallest infraction, speak up about the assault on Article 25 of the Constitution for 33 long years? Who is accountable? 

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