Why you cannot fool a Teacher?

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One day a philosophy teacher came to take a class. He started writing in the blackboard. Suddenly a student made a whistle. Teacher turned around and asked who did that. Everyone is silent that time. Teacher kept his chalk down and started telling a story.

"Yesterday after dinner l went to sleep. But l could not sleep. At the end l decided to go outside in my four wheeler to take fresh air. In the road l suddenly see a very attractive lady standing over the road and seeking for help for her punctured car tyre. Her figure was so attractive that l couldn't take my eyes off her. Being a gentleman l asked if she needed any help .She told me to drop her at her house. All our introduction happened inside the car. After one hour we reached her residence.

Me : Is there anyone else in your house?

The lady : No, l stay with my brother but he is not here tonight

Me: What's his name ?

The lady: I will not say his name right now . He studies in your school. You can easily identify in your class.He has a habit of whistling."

After this line each student looked at the boy who gave the whistle .

And then the teacher said " I didn't buy my philosophy degree , l have earned this degree."

Note : This story l once heard from a friend who heard it from her friend who heard it from another friend.😄

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